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Temperance (14) &
The Hierophant (5)

Finding Balance on the path to Spiritual Enlightenment

Temperance (14) & The Hierophant (5)

Full of charisma with an understated passion for life, this set of Birth Cards is considered to be one with the most potential for great spiritual enlightenment. Given the right level of experience and maturity, they are capable of reaching a level of spiritual growth greater than most of their peers.


The 14/5 individual is able to perceive deep meaning in the experiences they encounter, with Temperance bringing them the vast insight to read into situations and reason out all possible outcomes to an astonishing accuracy; and The Hierophant consequently deciding on the most efficient and appropriate course of action. Together, the 14/5 individual acts with a pearl of inner wisdom to help them maneuver through the soundest of paths.


For this reason, the 14/5 individual often becomes the unwilling leader of people, serving not only as role models of personal growth but also as trusted purveyors of faith and guidance. They are natural leaders & peacemakers, showing remarkable potential for personal growth and emotional restraint. Their passionate nature allows them to empathize with two conflicting points of view and bring calm and peace to conflicting and chaotic situations. Flexible in thought and adaptable in action, they can bring forward radical change from a ground-up level, all the while staying fully respectable of rules and tradition. As a result, they make both great team players as well as team leaders because they are always aware of the pace of their own progress while still being able to keep a tight eye on the overall direction of the team. 


They make for natural social moderators, as they know when to hold back and when to speak their minds. Having extremely high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), these self-aware individuals are in-tuned with the mood of the collective and are able to offer advice that touches the root of the issue and "hits the nail on the head". As such, decisions made in either business or romance for these birth cards will always be connected to the heart, rarely making cold hard logical decisions that entirely reject the unpredictable role that human emotions may have in any given situation.


The14/5 individual's greatest strength is being able to bring about a sense of fluidity to the strict nature of balance. Preferring instead to focus on a sense of Harmony (a push & pull of energies / a give-and-take situation) rather than on the virtue of Balance (which suggests the perfect 50-50 equilibrium often associated with Balance). They understand that problems don't exist in a void and are always connected to everything else in life, however unseemingly it might appear. They are natural humanists, filled with compassion for the feelings and failings of others because you recognize them first in yourself. They seek to heal in this manner, leading not only with their own inner strength but also with their loving acceptance of who others are and with sympathy for the plight of others.


They are able to strike a balance between what they want to achieve, and how to go about it in a manner that is healthy and sustainable for them. These are focused and inspired people, and when engaged in a project/relationship, will give themselves fully to growing and developing it on a holistic level. They cannot help but line all of their logical objectives with a touch of emotion, which results in a safe space for people to express their points of view without fear of judgment. 


This unique ability to gently nurture while staying relatively objective creates a sense of awe and wonder for the people around them, and consequently sets the 14/5 individual to be the natural choice of leadership. 



The 14/5 individual can sometimes be inflexible to new ideas that don't align with their worldview, preferring to trust their own opinions rather than a collective experience. Their ability to think and feel deeply about themselves and others can easily become a double edge sword as their deep internal journey tricks them into attaching greater value to their own (sometimes limited) opinions. This illusion leads them to believe that their own great truth is the only truth, and should be followed without question. This is especially true of less mature 14/5 individuals who have yet to learn how to balance their shadow and light sides. However, it is important to remember that there are 8 billion people in this world, leading to 8 billion different truths and perspectives. Which, facts of the matter aside, none of which is more, or less, valid than the other.


Both Temperance (14) and The Hierophant (5) share a passionate nature although in vastly different ways. Both cards are deeply concerned with the purity of intention and action, and can therefore become highly impatient with wrong-doing and lack of effort on the part of others. They choose to see this trait of others superficially; as an extreme flaw rather than accept a difference in opinion. Like the two disciples pictured at the foot of The Hierophant, they are either active learners, searching and questioning the validity of what they learn or they are the submissive learner, accepting what they're taught by those considered to be authorities. Often, the 14/5 individual will rebel against authority while they are young, but as they grow older, they become authorities themselves if they are able to find their niche and stand up for it. 


The 14/5 individual is driven to perfectionism on an unhealthy level. They cannot help but want to be the best version of themselves 100% of the time and can get bitter and resentful when no one realizes or recognizes their effort. They often forget that their ability for deep inner dialogue only becomes a positive trait only if communicated effectively with others around them. If they delve too deeply into their inner universe, they can appear withdrawn, moody, and unapproachable. It is important to remember that non-verbal communication (while it plays an important role) can only get so far without expressed verbal communication in order to avoid misunderstandings or miscommunication. 


14/5 individuals are often not at all moderate in their beliefs and can be given to extremes. When it comes to causes (whether personal or social) that they are passionate about, they tend to pursue them with relentless fervor and need to push themselves close to breaking point in order to feel a sense of worth. This behavior can often lead them down a path of unhealthy thinking and unrealistic demands, both of others and of themselves, and will inevitably push people away rather than draw others to them due to their unsustainable habits and unobtainable goals.


One of the biggest life lessons for the 14/5 individuals is to learn to temper their idealism in order to deal with contingencies and to truly understand that while perfection can be the necessary goal, it CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT be the outcome. Fight the urge to constantly purify and wipe out undesirable qualities, or to overly simplify things down to their essence. Just as there can be no light without dark, no warmth without cold, and no hero without the villain, there can be no progress without the existence of flaws to progress upon. Remember that though they strive to, should the world be built according to the ideals of the 14/5 individual, their meaning of life would be empty and their sense of purpose lost. 




What is my Art? What things must I adjust or combine? What trial & error experiments can I try? How can I revive my interest and renew my spirit? What energy and resources are available for my healing? What needs compassion and forgiveness?



What do I need to learn from my problems? How do I learn? What religious, moral, or social factors do I need to consider? On what values do I base my decisions? What do I have to teach? What beliefs must I question?

Beneficial Crystals

Hematite - Grounding energy, promotes stability and protection, Boosts self-esteem

Turquoise - Stone of communication, encourages enthusiasm, bringing healthy light to new projects 

Kunzite - Helps with enhancing self-love, making it easier to forgive themselves for their own perceived mistakes & flaws.

Amethyst - Activates spiritual awareness, Balances mood swings, Opens intuitions and Enhances psychic abilities.

Malachite - Reveals and heals emotional pain, Gives insight necessary for personal growth.

Job Roles

Teacher, Mentor, Spiritual Guide, Life Coach, Therapist, Counselor, Anthropologists, Humanitarian

Other famous 14/5s

William Blake (Artist, Poet, Mystic)

Paul Cezanne (Artist)

Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Artist)

Vincent Van Gogh (Artist)

Arthur Conan Doyle (Writer)

Mick Jagger (Musician)

Steven Spielberg (Film Director)

JK Rowling (Writer)

Angelina Jolie (Actress)

Beyonce Knowles (Musician, Actress)

Mark Zuckerberg (Founder, Meta)

Michael Phelps (Olympic Swimmer)

Mao Ze Dong (Founder, People's Republic of China)

Adolf Hitler (Dictator, Nazi Party)

Benjamin Franklin (Founding Father, United States of America)

Abraham Lincoln (President, United States of America)

Charles Darwin (Naturalist)

Frederic Chopin (Musician, Composer)

Louis Armstrong (Jazz Musician)


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